Chinese New Year Blues

Category: By Jenson
Wait, it's already Chinese New Year? I can barely get over Christmas and Chinese New Year just flew in. I was told since young that it's the time where relatives from all around the country or world returns to their hometown and have a reunion. The time for us Chinese longed for has finally arrived. Wishing the elders longevity and prosperity and in return the married couples or elderly would present the young ones with a red packet. Steamboat is a must for dinner and lunch. Cousins, Siblings, In-laws reunite and mixed emotions can be seen. Reminiscing onto the past, drinking to one another's achievements or success and most importantly, enjoying one another's company. Whatever the dispute is between one another, it's quickly forgotten. That's what Chinese New Year is all about............back then.

The Chinese New Year I know now is perhaps much more different than any other peep's out there. To many, it ain't no family reunion no more. Many looked forward to this day for the red packets and gamblin sessions. If one would say to me that nah I missed my grandmother very much, gotta return to check on her. Hah! I would think twice before I say that. For the current generation of teenagers and young adults, the tradition seemed nothing to them. No one truly understand the point of CNY no more. I'm saying this as I myself feel this way as well. The number of houses that would decorate their front doors with red lanterns and red cloth dwindled year by year. Even my 'kiasu' neighbours who used to hang 20 red lanterns and red miniature lights around the house and would then show me some 'pig face' back then decided to hang only 1 red lantern and 1 red cloth by the door recently. As for fire crackers? I remembered having to play many types of fireworks especially the fire sticks which would light up in many colours when you lit them; and now? Kudos to the police force who are doing good jobs in seizing all the fire crackers.

'A few years back, I was watching my brother and cousins playing the firesticks when a neighbour of mine of different race came out and shouted at us to stop playing the firecrackers and threatened to call the police. We had no choice but to go back home.'

Chinese New Year to me,.. it's the time where I am most reluctant to go through. Having to travel an estimated 365kilometres back to Penang just to visit my relatives and my only grandmother is somehow tiring for me. Don't get me wrong, I do intend to return and visit my grandmother. After all, she took care of me back then and I was her favourite grandson. Imagine having to sit in the car for 3-4 hours. 3-4 hours seemed like an eternity to me. Let's not forget it's a festive season eh? The North South Expressway is sure to jam. Hah! This years's CNY was't as interesting as last year so I ain't gonna say much on it but I would love to highlight on 2008's CNY as it was the worse yet interesting CNY for me. Why so? As it took us roughly 9 hours to reach Penang. I mean, come on?!! 9 hours?!! The amount of time spent is the same as driving to Penang and back to KL. The 9 hours I had in the car was tormenting but I managed to get over it. How? I spent the past 9 hours observing other vehicles and thinking deep on whether it was worth it to spend 9 hours to just to return back to Penang. Eventually, I came up with this fact:

  • The main fact is undoubtly this; it's Chinese New Year but I see more Malays than the Chinese stuck within the jam last year. (7 out of 10 cars)
  • The Raya is more lively as compared to the CNY as more firecrackers can be heard playing.
  • Tis year itself when I returned home, there were 4 different accidents which took place and all the vehicles slowed down to watch (as usual). Only 1 car belong to a Chinese guy and he was the victim.
Nah, it's just a random statement. No offense to anyone but it's the truth I'm speaking about. Racisim? If you think the 3 facts above contains racist remarks then ask yourself, majority of the population of this country are Malays right? It's Chinese New Year and of course, it's gonna be a public holiday. Who wouldn't return back to their hometown for a week? Me:(

Lastly, I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to a best friend of mine, Johnathan! More like a brother to me. Well then John, I wish you all the best and hope that your dreams will be achieved as expected bro! Brothers for life!:P
Yeap, the dood on the far right. Owh ya, Hopefully we can get our brand thing started soon:P Too bad for me, he didn't do this for me for my birthday:(

Alright then, see ya peeps some other time:P

-February 1 2009-

2 comments so far.

  1. Johnathan February 1, 2009 at 3:42 AM
    Jenson, thank you very much man..
    Already left you a message at your tagboard but it will be erased, so I shall leave something right here instead...

    Yeah, brothers for life!!!
  2. Jenson February 2, 2009 at 7:29 AM
    Brothers for life!:P You the man that I never regretted knowing for as long I remember!

    Any problems be sure to call me to talk about aite? Anyway. we gotta meet up bro. Cheers!

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