Extraordinary Abilities

Category: By Jenson
Before I start, I would like to say that me and my friend, Johnathan had collaborated on writing in a blog together. The blog would be known as [Z]eaox. So far, we had not actually posted anything on the blog yet but we will update in no time! So, do drop by then!

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Ever thought of flying? From levitating yourself to flying across the busy highways; avoiding the massive jams as easy as that. Ever thought of reading someone else's thoughts? What are they thinking? What are they planning? These are examples of what we call extraordinary abilities. Take the movie Heroes for instance, it's a drama series about several individuals who discovered that they have extraordinary abilities that no one else has. [Still waiting for the premier of Season 3!!] It just one of my favourite drama series of all time as it reflects the imagination and fantasies running through my mind ever since I was a little kid. I was first exposed to these super powers back when I was only 6, holding my first ever issue of the acclaimed manga Dragon Ball. From there, my imaginations starts running till now. I am sure that I am not the sole person in the world who only imagine having extraordinary abilities; thinking on how cool it would be having these abilities. Showing off to others; especially the girls. You guys know what I mean.

In our present world of ours, these extraordinary abilities are being recorded from time to time from various individuals around the world. Abilities ranging from telekinesis [an ability that is able to move objects with the power of the mind] to Retrocognition [an ability that enables an individual to look into the past through touching any objects or person]. Yes indeed, there are reports of people having these abilities. There are some reknown individuals with these abilities that i came across while I was researching on this particular fact.

Ninel Sergeyevna Kulagina borned in 1926 into the nationality of the Soviet, she is quite an impressive woman. Having 4 possible extraordinary abilities, she is one famous person in her time. The 4 abilities consist of Magnetism, Telekinesis, Psychokinesis and Fingertip Vision. Her possible extraordinary feats had been recorded and can be found mostly on Youtube. Imagining having 4 abiltities like Miss Ninel here. What would it be like to move objects with the power of our mind? More importantly, how is the feeling of it like?

You can find about her more from the following URL links:

Edgar Cayce; Better known to many as the Sleep talker; borned an American in March 18, 1877. Unlike Ninel, Edgar only has 1 possible extraordinary ability. He has the ability known to many as Clairvoyance. This ability enables the user to know about a person, place, thing, or event without using the ordinary five senses to gather that information. Edgar would lie down and close his eyes, and a visitor or more likely a patient would ask him a question. He will respond, and his answers were remarkably intelligent and helpful. Surprisingly, Edgar wasn't highly educated. After the session between him and the visitor, Edgar could not recall anything of what he had said.

The following individual is one of the youngest surgeon in the world.

Akrit Jaswal; Borned April 23, 1993 and has never attended a medical school before. Akrit is said to be one of the luckiest individual alive as he has the ability known as advanced intelligence. Whether anot this can be classified as an extraordinary ability, it still remains skeptical to me. Getting straight to the point, when Akrit was an infant, instead of starting to crawl like any other ordinary babies would, he started to learn how to walk. At the tender age of 10 months, he said his first words. By the age of 4 he was already reading Shakespeare. The title, youngest surgeon in the world was bestowed to him at the age of 7. He met an 8-year-old girl whose fingers had been burnt as a baby and were fused together. At that very same year, he performed an operation to seperate the fingers. Having such intelligence is indeed special. Guess what? Akrit vows to find a cure for cancer for as long as he is still alive.

A link to provide further details on Akrit Jaswal :


In the video itself, I myself could not understand what he was saying. He was speaking medicine and biology. At that age where he is not even in his teen yet, he is able to engage in a converation with 2 expert physician like normal conversation on cancer.

To conclude this short research on extraordinary abilities I would want to give a shoutout to all everyone out there. Even though we are borned ordinary unlike the above mentioned 3 individuals; we are special. Don't be depressed and disappointed for not being able to levitate, sitting down staring at the ruler of yours for hours and even staring at someone immensely as if trying to get into his mind. Just be happy for who you are.


A picture I cannot forget..

-Ocotber 29 2008-

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