Define Ghost

Category: By Jenson
First stop, what exactly is a ghost? As far as I know, many of us can define the word ghost well enough but do they actually understand it? Well, understanding requires thorough reading and examples right? In this case, I am just trying to ask, do anyone of you out there actually seen one? I myself never actually seen one but I do have many experiences which if I am asked, I be gladly to tell. Whether there are people who had actually seen them, there are also people who strongly denies these existence. Most of these people just label it off as a fiction. I just can't seem to understand why most people would deny it. Well, define ghost then? For the believers, the definition of ghost is widely known as a spirit of a dead person. I had once tried to ask some friends of mine what ghost really are; and most of their replies were astonishing. Varying from Rubbish and Crap to Bullshit, it's really a funny moment seeing them describing it in such short period. Adding in, their hand gestures and facial expressions, they just make my day. At the moment, I am talking about my friends who don't believe in the existence at all.

Picture Description

The picture on the LEFT it's a picture of a priest's spirit having to be seen repeatedly in a church and so it happens that a supernatural researcher is taking pictures at that very moment.
The picture on the RIGHT shows a former church minister's spirit standing on the doorway. It is said that he usually stands at that very spot when he was very well alive to look around at the hall.

Living in the world of fact science and technology, everything needs to be proven scientifically. Look at the famed Ghost Hunters from Channel 711 Astro as an example, the Ghost Hunters crew are dedicated in proving that these supernatural beings do in fact exist by going to a certain haunted spot and investigate. Using high tech equipments that records supernatural voices, taking temperatures and more in the investigation, it proves that they are doing their job professionally. It's a sort of reality tv show which means the show is being shot when they are actually investigating the haunted spots itself. Any weird happenings or weird noises will definitely be recorded. I pity these people at times as critics will just say that it's edited. Well, with the current technology, editing the videos isn't hard at all. To all you critics out there, give them a break. Here they are doing their job recorded Live, and all you do is just complain and nag. Well, Kudos to the Ghost Hunters and I am always the first in line to watch your latest season!

I myself can't see these things. Never wished I could and never would. My expereiences were just hearing them talking and sometimes scolding. There's a few times where things moved by itself unexplainably. Like back in this hotel, while my sister was watching TV, all of a sudden the TV starts changes channels repeatedly by itself right before our very own eyes. The remote is on the bed untouched and we could hear very clearly that the TV buttons were being pressed. No evidence to proof it though. Next ting we knew, we changed room. Who would want to stay in a room when the TV is occupied? [LOL] What a reason. To me, supernatural things are of my liking. The other thing I would like to highlight is that why when it comes to ghosts or weird happenings, everyone naturally gets scared? I admit myself I do as well but since I had quite a number of experiences, I grew accustomed to it. From the sound of a woman with high heels walking along the hotel's corridor while staying in a suite back in Penang to a person scolding in Hokkien in the bathroom in the middle of the night, I do in fact quite get used to it. So why one would instantenously get scared? I never did quite understand why I was afraid as well. Do you? Some said you are afraid as you had done something wrong. Is that true? The other is that ghosts or spirits can't be captured on cameras. It's quite impossible. Is that true? Till now, these questions lingers in my mind.

From my opinion, I would say that the teachings of one's religion reflects the thinking of an individual. Take Taoism for instance, it had long been taught that the world is balanced between Yin and Yang; which Yin is represents darkness while Yang reflects light. 2 dimensions keeping the world balanced. Occasionally, Buddhism do teach about Yin and Yang. Thanks Sandra for the information. I am not much of a Monk or Taoist but I am just writing down what I actually know. On the other hand, from what I heard from my friends who are Christians, Christianity only believes in spirits or souls. Often describing them as Holy Spirits I guess? Well, it's just an assumption.
An assumption made without any offensive remarks to the religion stated. Well, what I had said beforehand is more like an open topic discussion. So, feel free to comment. Any stories or thoughts is appreciated.


Will I ever see you again?

October 10 2008

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